Shaman King creator Hiroyuki Takei is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his artistic career, starting with winning the 48th Tezuka Award in late 1994. To honor the milestone, a special exhibition focused on his first serialized manga Butsu-Zone is being held in collaboration with art gallery organizers VISION8.
Although Butsu-Zone was a short-lived series for the mangaka, the exhibition is still an incredibly attractive offering as original manuscript pages for the series will be on display which is a treat regardless of the popularity of the series. With an accomplished name like Takei at the center, this will be an excellent opportunity to see a master of the craft's work at its most pure. To make things even cooler, the original manuscripts for his Tezuka Award winning submission Itako no anna, and his debut work Death Zero, will also be on display.
In addition to the art pieces on display, high-quality autographed prints by the organizer's 88 Graphs business will be available for purchase alongside other commemorative goods.
The exhibition will run from February 22, 2025 through March 16, 2025 at SPACE 7・8 on the 8th floor of Yurakucho Marui in Tokyo. For more information, check out the official exhibition website.