Today, the final day of Tokyo Game Show, Kojima Productions made several announcements related to the DEATH STRANDING series during a panel at the PlayStation booth. In addition to updates regarding the upcoming sequel to be released on the PlayStation 5, a series of special events to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the original game was announced. Taking place at multiple PARCO locations across Japan through February of 2025 will be a special exhibition and popup shop centered on the title. The events kick off at Shibuya PARCO on November 8, 2024 with the exhibition at PARCO Gallery X and the popup on the 5th floor of the main building before moving onto Nagoya in January and Osaka in February.
These special events are a very limited time occurrence, so if you're a fan and you're located in Japan during the timeframe you definitely won't want to miss them. You can find more details for the Shibuya dates at the Gallery X website for the event.