To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Yoshiaki Kawajiri's Vampire Hunter D animated film, both a revival screening and new home media release have been announced. Starting on February 28, 2025 for one week only, the film will return to Japanese cinemas nationwide while a digitally remastered version of the film will come to Blu-ray on March 26, 2025.
The film, based on Hideyuki Kikuchi's third Vampire Hunter D novel, was originally released in North America in 2000 as Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust with a Japanese subtitled version aired in Japan in 2001. This upcoming revival screening will be the first time that the original Japanese version of the film, featuring performances from famous voices like Megumi Hayashibara, Hideyuki Tanaka, Ichiro Nagai, and Koichi Yamadera, will be screened in theaters in Japan.
The following Blu-ray release will feature a high-definition digital remaster created from the original 35mm negative for the film. This Blu-ray will retail for ¥16,500.
More details about the upcoming releases can be found on the official Vampire Hunter D website.